Friday, November 11, 2011

Illustration Friday - Silent

Conceptual Self Portrait
acrylic and collage on board
5 x 7 (unframed)

This week's Illustration Friday topic is a bit more introspective and philosophical so I decided that this conceptual self portrait, completed about a week ago, worked perfectly.  The quote that came with this weeks topic is by Emily Carr: "I think that one's art is a growth inside one.  I do not think one can explain growth.  It is silent and subtle.  One does not keep digging up a plant to see how it grows."  

I also completed a more traditional self portrait image recently.  This one is colored pencil on a primed panel behind mirrored glass.  I made a comment recently in a class that I hate pink.  I realized after I said it that I really don't hate pink, it is just a difficult color to use effectively, and I hate seeing it used badly or without purpose or thought..  So... I decide to make a few pieces where pink is a dominant/important element.  I like the kitsch of the pink painted frames. Click on the images if you would like to see them larger.

colored pencil on panel with mirrored glass
19.5 x 12.5 (framed)


  1. These are awesome! I love the top one. (And speaking of Emily Carr, growing up where I did I was raised on a steady diet of her. I think it leaked into my art!)

  2. Great quote. I've always liked pink, but I don't like that girls are supposed to like it. Interesting portrait, and nicely done. I really like the portrait for your "About Me" too!


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